Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Ali Rana Atılgan »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Physics of proteins • Dynamics of complex systems • Simulation models • Mechanics of materials • Fiber-Reinforced composite structures

Alp Yürüm
Faculty Member
Research Area

Inorganic nanomaterials (metals, oxides, chalcogens, carbon), crystal facet controlled heterogeneous reactions, energy storage (Li-ion, Na-ion, Li-S, Li-air, supercapacitors), energy conversion (photocatalysis for green hydrogen production, electrolysis, fuel cells), water treatment

Bekir Dizman »
Faculty Member
Research Area

1. Structure-property relationship in functional/water-soluble/high performance polymers 2. Nano-engineered prepregs and composite materials 3. Out-of-autoclave (OOA) manufacturing of composite materials 4. Catalysts and catalyst systems for composite materials 5. Nanomedicines (advanced drug delivery systems, nanotheranostics)

Burç Mısırlıoğlu »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Our research is centered around understanding the effects of defects and microstructure on the physical properties of functional oxides. Using continuum level computational and experimental approaches, we try to reveal the mechanisms by which defects and interfaces impact the physical properties and at what magnitude this occurs. Such knowledge is the key to design and fabricate structures in various geometries for specific engineering applications. The applications governed by such phenomena encompass macro- and micro-scale capacitors for electric energy storage, non-volatile solid state memories, nanoscale devices, electrothermal materials and electrooptical thin films.

Burcu Saner Okan
Faculty Member
Research Area

Self-healing nanocomposites and coatings; graphene synthesis and its applications; recycling; core-shell electrospinning/electrospraying; anti-microbial coatings; thermoplastic compounding; nano composites

Canan Atılgan »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Polymer and protein dynamics; theoretical and computational investigation of complex molecular systems; conformational multiplicity

Emre Erdem »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Physics of Materials; Spectroscopy (EPR, Raman, Photoluminesence, Impedance); Physical Chemistry; Solid State Physics; Graphene; Carbon dots; Semiconductors; Nanoparticles and Nanocrystals; Ceramics; Powder processing; Phase transitions; Photovoltaics; Solar cells; Thermoelectrics; Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries; Piezoelectric nanowires and nanogenerators; Wearable electronics; Energy harvesting and storage; Electrical vehicles; Microelectronic systems; Battery management systems; Robot arms, Materials for grippers; Thin film batteries; Power to X technologies; Potentiostat; Electrolyte; Electrode for batteries and supercapacitors; Renewable energy, Batteries for Electrical vehicle; Defect structures

Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Polyelectrolyte multilayer thin films, surface chemistry, nanocomposites, vertically aligned and functionalized carbon nanotubes, boron nitride nanotubes, silica nanoparticles, supercapacitors.

Gözde İnce »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Design and synthesis of biomaterials, smart materials for controlled drug delivery, functional coatings for biosensors and flexible sensors, smart membranes for separation, chemical vapor deposition of thin film coatings

Hatice Sinem Şaş Çaycı
Faculty Member
Research Area

Composite Process Design, Mold Filling Simulation, Computational Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Modeling, Rheology

Mehmet Yıldız »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Polymer based Composite Materials, Nano Composites, Structural Health Monitoring, Fiber Optic Sensors, Meshless Computational Fluid Mechanics (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing, Semiconductor Single Crystal Growth.

Mehmet Ali Gülgün »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Phase and morphology control for targetted functionalities in Ceramics, Revalorization of End-of-Life materials for Cement industries, Effects of impurity cations on the microstructural development and properties of polycrystalline ceramics; synthesis and characterization of multi cation solid oxide electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cell (clean energy generation of the near future) applications; ceramic materials and structures in photonics applications; synthesis and characterization of polymer ceramic composite materials; atomic level characterization of structure and chemical binding in materials through electron microscopy and spectroscopy.

Ongun Özçelik »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Computational materials science and solid state systems for energy applications. Examples of the ongoing research include metal/organic hybrid interfaces, MOFs, supercapacitors using two dimensional materials, inter-layer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures, CO2 capture materials, and tuning the reactivity of alkali activated cementitious materials with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Özge Akbulut »
Faculty Member
Research Area

silicone-based composite models, surgical models, colloid and dispersant science, rheology, cement

Selmiye Alkan Gürsel »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Lithium-Air Batteries, All Solid State Batteries, Graphene for Energy Applications, Radiation-Induced Graft Polymerization, Electroactive & Conducting Polymers

Serkan Ünal »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Polymer synthesis, characterization and structure-property relationships, polyurethane chemistry, surface coatings, adhesives, structural composites, polymeric nanocomposites, carbon nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, energy materials.

Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu »
Faculty Member
Research Area

Composite materials, Nanosize materials, Polymer synthesis; characterization, modification and structure/property/application relationship; florinated polymers, oligomers and surfactants (synthesis and characterization); reactions and extractions in supercritical carbon dioxide; formulation of performance chemicals, Antimicrobial active substances and formulations.

Affiliated Faculty

Ali Koşar »
Affiliated Faculty
Research Area

Ali Kosar is one of the pioneers in the design and development of new generation micro heat sinks with functional surfaces and microfluidic devices including cavitation on chip devices. His research interests constitute a wide spectrum covering heat and fluid flow in micro/nano scale, condensation, boiling heat transfer, microfluidic systems, and cavitation. He is aiming at contributing to the literature by offering new knowledge and understanding about micro/nano scale heat transfer and fluid flow and providing experimental data and design guidelines for futuristic cooling and microfluidic system technologies. He has broad experience and knowledge on various types of experiments on heat and fluid flow and phase change phenomena in micro/nano scale. The results of his research have already generated more than 200 published journal research articles which have been published in prestigious journals like Physics of Fluids, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems and International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Moreover, he also has more than 100 conference papers in prestigious and well attended international conferences. He gave over 50 seminars and invited lectures/talks at various institutions and conferences. He has more than 20 granted (3 of them triadic) and pending patent applications. He is currently leading a large research group consisting of members from various disciplines, graduate students and engineers and could build bridges between different disciplines (Energy, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering) to enable interdisciplinary pioneering research approach on energy and healthcare applications. He received many national and intrenational awards such as µFIP Prominent Researcher Award" in the 2021 micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (µFIP) Conference, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ICNMM (International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels) Outstanding Early Career Award, Japan, Sapporo (2013). In addition, during the last five years, he has been successful to secure funding of more than 2,500,000 Euro from a wide variety of resources. He also serves as a reviewer in many prestigious journals (reviewing more than 100 manuscripts per year) and is a Subject Editor in the Applied Thermal Engineering journal (processing more than 300 manuscripts per year). He is the Co-director of Center of Excellence for Functional Surfaces and Interfaces for Nano diagnostics (EFSUN) and a Distinguished Researcher of Nanotechnology and Application Center at Sabanci University. Within a short time, EFSUN became a 'Research Powerhouse' at Sabanci University with exhaustive and collaborative efforts of the members. Significant large-scale grants were also obtained from both national and international resources. He is a Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). He also serves as an Executive Committee Member of the ODTU MEMS (Middle East Technical University Microelectromechanical Systems) Center, one of the leading Research Centers in Turkey. Research areas: Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Boiling Heat Transfer, Condensation Heat Transfer, Micro- and Nanoflows, Microfluidic Devices, Functional Surfaces and Interfaces for Energy Efficiency, Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer

Bahattin Koç »
Affiliated Faculty
Research Area

3D bioprinting/biomanufacturing for tissue and organ engineering; computational geometry and optimization for additive manufacturing process; heterogenous, multi-functional object modeling and manufacturing; nano-micro additive manufacturing of composite materials; proses planning and development for hybrid additive-subtractive processes.

Güllü Kızıltaş Şendur »
Affiliated Faculty
Research Area

Design Optimization (Domain specific optimal design of mechanical, biomedical and electromagnetic systems, optimal design of complex/new technology products, Multidisciplinary design optimization) Material Design and Fabrication (Topology optimization, Homogenization theory, Advanced 3D fabrication (Solid Free Form Fabrication, Micro Fabrication by Co-Extrusion, etc.) Computational Mechanics (advanced micro-material modeling, Finite Element Methods (FEM)) Electromagnetics (FEM, miniature multifunctional antennas, filters, passive components, arrays)

Murat Kaya Yapıcı »
Affiliated Faculty
Research Area

Microelectromechanical System (MEMS), Micromachining and Micro/Nanofabrication Technologies, Micro Sensors and Actuators, Semiconductor Process Technologies, Scanning-Probe based Nanotechnology and Nanomanufacturing, Biomedical Microsystems and Devices, Microfluidic Systems, MEMS-CMOS and nanomaterial integration

Network Faculty

Cleva Ow Yang »
Network Faculty
Research Area

mechanisms of persistent luminescence plasmonic insulators materials for energy harvesting and storage cement regeneration Circular economy and sustainability in materials process industries structure and properties of interfaces thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformation in materials controlled assembly of nanoparticles

Mükerrem Çakmak
Network Faculty
Research Area

Processing-structure and property relationships, their computer simulation, particularly the effect of stress history on the development of structural hierarchy in various polymer processes including injection molding, film and fiber forming; developing on-line structural monitoring strategies to understand the fundamentals of structural evolution under complex thermal deformation; histories that are imparted onto polymers during their processing; the effect of nano-sized organic and inorganic particles on the evolution of structural hierarchy in processed polymers.