Guest: Deniz Günceler, Microsoft Research AI4Science
Title: How large-scale AI is transforming the Physical Sciences (MAT, CS, EE, ME)
Date/Time: December 18, 2024, 13:40
Location: FENS G032
Abstract: Machine learning and generative AI models are transforming all aspects of human experience. In the scientific domain, machine learning models are finding application areas in solving complex problems such as protein folding, chemical property prediction and the design of new materials and drugs. In this talk, we will use two recent publications from Microsoft Research AI for Science (MatterSim: https://microsoft.github.io/mattersim/ and MatterGen) to discuss how the emergence of large-scale AI is transforming the sciences, focusing particularly in materials design and discovery.
Bio: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/dgunceler/
2011 Bachelors @ Bilkent University
2015 Theoretical Physics PhD @ Cornell University, working on density functional theory of liquids
2015-2023 Senior Applied Scientist, then Applied Science Manager @ Amazon Alexa
2023 - Principal Research Engineering Manager @ Microsoft Research AI for Science